Dear Editor:
I want to thank The Dispatch for the Sept. 10 editorial
celebrating the improvements taking place in the Gilroy School
District and encouraging parents to step up to the very important
partnership role they have in building momentum to a world-class
public education system.
Dear Editor:

I want to thank The Dispatch for the Sept. 10 editorial celebrating the improvements taking place in the Gilroy School District and encouraging parents to step up to the very important partnership role they have in building momentum to a world-class public education system.

I’d love to see regular articles in the paper offering suggestions (backed up with research) on the specific things parents can do. As a few examples: regularly reading to young children, importance of sleep and nutrition, going to the library as a family night out (reflect for a moment what a miracle our free, public library system is), examine the history the local places we travel as well as the far-off places we vacation to, ensuring appropriate behavior and dress in school, and the like. Wouldn’t it be exciting if we could make the celebration of learning as important as the celebration of garlic and good food (also very important!) to the culture of Gilroy?!

By rowing together (as you so well put it) we can make it happen. Thanks again.

Tom Bundros,

Gilroy School Board ember

Submitted Thursday, Sept. 11 to ed****@ga****.com

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