music in the park, psychedelic furs

n By Bob Burch Staff Writer

Men’s EE

Gilroy – The Good Ole Boys rallied for five runs in the bottom of the seventh inning to upset 2NQ 21-20 in Men’s EE League softball play Thursday at Gavilan Sports Park.

Trevor Sheedy capped the comeback with a sacrifice fly as the Good Ole Boys improved to 1-4 in second-half play. The loss left 2NQ at 2-3 with one week left in the regular season.

Jeff Speno opened the Good Ole Boys seventh with a triple, scoring on an infield error. Consecutive singles from Ron Patterson, Don Haygood, John Anhder and Bob Schoeneman pulled the Good Ole Boys within one run. Robie Kramer’s grounder was misplayed to plate Haygood with the tying marker.

Patterson and Schoeneman each mustered four hits and Jeff Speno spanked a two-run home run. Nick Magee hit for the cycle in a 5-for-6 effort for 2NQ. Omar Rodriguez added a two-run home run.

The South Valley Community Church Thumpers #1 remained in a tie for first place at 4-1 by slipping past Gamers In Control 11-9.

Adolfo Tellez cracked a double and two singles, while John Holder singled and tripled as the Thumpers slipped the Gamers to 4-2. Josh Gatto hit two home runs and Javier Tovar singled and doubled for the losers.

S&S Construction joined the Thumpers at 4-1 with a 21-10 victory over VFW Bingo.

Emiliano Mendez belted four hits and Ernie Vasquez added a homer, double and single for the Builders. Gabe Sandoval muscled a home run and triple for VFW Bingo. Geno Martinez provided a single and two doubles.

Men’s E

Campbell’s Towing clinched a spot in the Men’s E League post-season Thursday with a 9-8 nod over St. Mary Men’s Club at Las Animas Park.

Singles by Brandon Vandenburg and Lance Hedrick led to two runs in the bottom of the seventh inning for Campbell’s. The win left Campbell’s with a date in the best 2-of-3 series with the Titans, while St. Mary Men’s Club will compete in the EE Championship Series.

Kory Seely stroked a two-run home run, single and sacrifice fly for the winners. Greg Sosebee went 4-for-4 and Andrew Lanier homered for St. Mary Men’s Club.

EvMar topped Claddagh Brew Crew 22-14 behind four runs scored by Jason Meza. Jarrod Reeves lashed two triples and two singles for the winners. Eric Wischman added four singles. Todd Mazza went 4-for-5 and Parker Hathaway homered for Claddagh Brew Crew.

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