Dear Editor,
I was delighted to read Melissa Flores’ article about Denise
Dromensk being honored as one of the teachers at Santa Clara
County’s Teacher Recognition day. Ms. Dromensk is a perfect example
of what all teachers should be.
Dear Editor,

I was delighted to read Melissa Flores’ article about Denise Dromensk being honored as one of the teachers at Santa Clara County’s Teacher Recognition day. Ms. Dromensk is a perfect example of what all teachers should be. She is dedicated to the profession, and is a great example of what a difference a good teacher can make in the life of a student. She is also a great example of what Proposition 74 hopes to achieve. More teachers of the very same caliber as Ms. Dromensk.

Just as Ms. Dromensk’s own principal states, “She is a good role model for both students and staff, [she] is involved in whatever she believes is going to benefit students ” it quickly becomes clear that teaching our children is a profession we can not allow poor teachers to remain in.

The problem that most people fail to grasp is that the easier we make it for the teacher’s union to keep bad teachers on the payroll, in order to never lose union dues, the more teachers go bad. Just like a bad piece of fruit in a fruit bowl spreads its disease to the rest of the fruit, a bad teacher, that cannot be removed, will infect the enthusiasm and dedication of the best teachers that are around them. More teachers like Ms. Dromensk is why we need to support higher standards for our teachers, and our kids. This is why we must vote YES on Prop 74.

Sunana Batra, Gilroy

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