Gilroy – In less than a month local students will begin donning caps and gowns and receiving the piece of paper that will help guide them to their next stage in life. Now that the sun is finally shining it appears the undesired rain may not soak any ceremonies, like they did last year.

n Gavilan College students will graduate May 26 at 6:30pm in the gym.

n Gilroy High School will stage its graduation at the football field June 16 at 6pm.

n Mt. Madonna School will stage its graduation June 13 at 6pm in the Gavilan College theater.

n Ascencion Solorsano, Brownell and South Valley middle school promotion ceremonies will all be staged June 15 at Christmas Hill Park. Brownell will graduate at 3pm, South Valley at 5pm and Solorsano at 7pm

n St. Mary School, eighth graders will graduate at on June 2. Liturgy will be held at 10:30 in the church and graduation and awards presentation will be at 6pm.

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