Readers comment on Gilroy High’s football season, the Gavilan
aviation program and a cozy restaurant
Head coach thanks so many in community for magical football season
Dear Editor,
As our magical football season ended on Friday, I felt compelled to thank all the people who helped to create such a memorable season at Gilroy High School. The beauty of football is that it is a total team sport that requires everyone from big to small, from the prominent to the concealed, from the support staff to the players, to be successful.
Thank you first to the community. The support was simply stunning and amazing. In my 15 years of football I have never heard a crowd so loud or seen so many people at a high school game. More impressive was the undying support and how positive the Gilroy crowd was. Central Coast Section officials would even comment how they were wowed by your support. High school athletics are about the positive; fortunately our community understands this, and thank you for sharing in our season.
Thank you to The Dispatch, especially Sports Editor Josh Koehn – your coverage and understanding that high school athletics are about the positive helped spark this community support and help to capture the wonderful memories we made.
Thank you to our administration, support staff, and teachers for your enthusiasm. Your excitement and support for us was contagious. Your lead in keeping things positive kept our student athletes and crowds positive. Your support for our team kept us centered and grounded.
Thank you to our band and cheer squads whose spirit contributed to the electric atmosphere created at the games. I will never forget the six-bus convoy we took to the game the time that both of these groups committed to support us.
Thank you to our coaching staff, film technician, training staff, doctors, and booster club. The endless hours of hard work and dedication resulted in a wonderful testament to our student athletes about the power of work ethic and teamwork as it took each and everyone one of you to accomplish our goals.
Thank you to the families of our coaches, support staff, and players. You gave up time with your loved ones so they could either learn or teach life lessons through the beautiful game of football. Your time lost did not go in vain and your support was essential.
Lastly, thank you to our student athletes. As a staff we love each and every one of you. Thank you for your commitment and sacrifice for one another. Please take the lessons you learned and apply them to your endeavors and life to help make your world a better place.
As a whole let’s all enjoy this wonderful season as it is an example of the power of a community, a school and a team working together.
Rich Hammond, Gilroy High football staff
The Golden Quill is awarded occasionally for a well-written letter.
Headline writer must have spaced out while reading aviation story
Dear Editor,
I was alarmed by the headline “Gavilan Aviation Program Sets Course for San Martin Airport” that appeared in your paper on Dec. 1. The college’s public information officer, Jan Bernstein Chargin is quoted as saying: “there are no plans to move out of Hollister,” yet the headline reads as if the college were in fact moving to San Martin.
Gavilan College has no plans to move the aviation program out of Hollister. In fact one of the proposed goals of the Gavilan College Board of Trustees for 2008 is: “Using information obtained through community input and by working with city, county and other agencies to obtain property in Coyote Valley and San Benito County that will serve as educational centers and eventually full college campuses. Also, evaluate permanent facilities for the Hollister-based Aviation Maintenance Technology program.”
There have been no discussions with representatives from the San Martin Airport about a possible relocation.
I hope this clarifies any misunderstanding that may exist about the intent of the Board of Trustees regarding the future of the Aviation Maintenance Technology program in Hollister.
Steven Kinsella, president, Gavilan College
A cozy place downtown with an imaginative, affordable menu
Dear Editor,
Judy’s Cozy Coffee is an imaginative vegan restaurant with integrity and flair is a great thing for any town. There are too few of them. “Cozy and family” is a great way to do it. I know the cook, and it cannot miss for my money.
Stan Rice, Gilroy
Strong support for socialized medicine in our capitalistic society
Dear Editor,
I strongly support socialize healthcare in a capitalistic society. I believe a nation needs to take care of the basic rights and needs of its people. If we have healthy people and then they can be effective and efficient in their work and contribution to the nation.
We, the people, need to preserve our right and health.
Mike Brasil, Gilroy