Dear Editor,
I ran across some old images of Gilroy and I was floored as to
how beautiful downtown use to be.
Dear Editor,

I ran across some old images of Gilroy and I was floored as to how beautiful downtown use to be. I can almost say it was as nice as Petaluma’s downtown. What I can’t believe is how previous city planners allowed downtown to lose its 19th century appeal.

Anyway, I keep driving through Sixth Street and keep looking onto Monterey Street, and I’m not really seeing an advancement – is it just me or are they just moving dirt from one side to the other? Or are they going to take as long as it did Santa Teresa Boulevard? Let’s hope not.

I’m sure lots of people will be very upset if it looks like the previous street layout. Money is being invested and it should beautify downtown not just give it a touch up. Let’s hope they make it appealing to all Gilroyans and to others. Let’s hope they don’t make the mistake of building something and having it look like our new police station. Man, that is the ugliest building in the city. I hope no one hurts themselves falling down the front steps.

Alex Herrera, Gilroy

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