music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor,
I am glad that columnist Mrs. Baer-Apuzzo is big enough of a
person to empathize with people who have been mischaracterized


even though their roots go back thousands of years here in North
Dear Editor,

I am glad that columnist Mrs. Baer-Apuzzo is big enough of a person to empathize with people who have been mischaracterized as “immigrants” even though their roots go back thousands of years here in North America. But the comments I have issue with are those made regarding the Mexican flag, which you could not even mention by name, and which is the flag of the U.S.A’s closest ally and trading partner.

When Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans fly their flag proudly at parades or on their ethnic holidays, no white citizen of this country has issue with it. This is all symptomatic of U.S. citizens racist attitudes and views they are so in denial over. It’s become politically incorrect to call racist and racism what they are anymore.

Many of the youth I volunteer with participated in the walkout and, no, your white daughter cannot conceive of what it means to be targeted by racism. This is apparent by her comments about the Chicano students who felt so inspired as to create and support a new civil rights movement. They didn’t walk out because they wanted to get out of school, she would understand this if she was Latina, and should take their word for it when they directly explain to her their reasons.

I have many white friends who do understand and support the new growing movement because they are insightful enough to believe Latinos, and other people of color, when we tell them about our daily experiences. So, please believe me now when I tell you that the only problem with Mexican and Latin American immigrants is their color and culture. Immigration law for Latin America is based on racism and fear.

We contribute more to this government than we receive in return. The same country we serve in every war is the same which routinely violates our human and civil rights and fails to recognize that most of white america are the descendants of unwanted and illegal immigration. When the Mayflower and the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria arrived in this hemisphere, the ancestors of these “immigrants” greeted them on the beach. Their is a new movement growing in the U.S. and you can either lend yourself to it or be opposed to it, but the U.S. should and will change for the better in a new progressive direction. This only improves our country. Racism and prejudice only harms our country.

Gracias y que dios te vendiga!

Reymundo Juan Armendariz, Morgan Hill

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