music in the park, psychedelic furs

Wednesday, April 9, 7 a.m.: I’m watching the people in Baghdad
pull down the large statue of Saddam Hussein, kicking it, shouting
with joy, kissing U.S. troops, shouting

Thank you, George Bush.


Wednesday, April 9, 7 a.m.: I’m watching the people in Baghdad pull down the large statue of Saddam Hussein, kicking it, shouting with joy, kissing U.S. troops, shouting “Thank you, George Bush.”

Wednesday, April 9, 5 p.m.: I’m reading the Dennis Taylor column and his rather nasty remarks about Mark Zappa’s patriotism and his desire to support President Bush and our troops – wonder how Mr. Taylor feels now after seeing the joy on all those Iraqi faces, or how about the 150 children released from prison where some of them have been starved and tortured for more than years.

“Colossal Diplomatic Failure” … Mr. Taylor you must be kidding. The failure falls on the shoulders of the United Nations not on President Bush. Think about this as you continue to see more evidence of the torture, murder and violence done by Saddam Hussein and his Regime to his own people. President Bush and our troops are heroes for the courage it has taken to bring freedom to Iraq.

Thank you, Mark Zappa, for your outpouring of support for our president and our troops. Thanks for offering a way for all of us to do this publicly. You truly are a patriot. God bless our troops, President Bush, and the Iraqi people. God bless America.

I’m proud to be an American.

Patricia Cordich, Gilroy

Submitted Thursday, April 10 to ed****@ga****.com

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