Dear Editor,
On Nov. 2, California voters will be given an opportunity to
keep more of our local tax dollars at home in our community to fund
our local priorities and local services. Voters can protect local
taxpayers and protect local public safety services by voting yes on
Proposition 1A.
Dear Editor,

On Nov. 2, California voters will be given an opportunity to keep more of our local tax dollars at home in our community to fund our local priorities and local services. Voters can protect local taxpayers and protect local public safety services by voting yes on Proposition 1A.

I believe it is imperative to pass Prop. 1A. Simply put, Prop 1A will prevent the state legislature from taking and using local government funds to pay for state responsibilities. In doing so, Prop. 1A will protect funding for vital, locally delivered services like fire and paramedic response, law enforcement, healthcare, parks, libraries, and transportation.

This is good news for California residents who have witnessed a gradual erosion of our locally-delivered services over the past decade. For the past 12 years, in both good economic times and bad, the state legislature has been raiding local tax dollars from cities, counties and special districts in order to fund the state’s obligations. In fact, the state has raided more than $44 billion dollars from cities, counties and special districts in that time.

If these funding raids continue, it could mean fewer fire fighters, fewer law enforcement officers, longer waits at emergency rooms, or higher local taxes and fees. Proposition 1A seeks to change that trend by preventing the state from taking local government funds in the future.

Prop 1A also requires the state to reimburse local governments for the cost of programs and services it mandates cities, counties and special districts provide.

Prop 1A does not raise taxes and will not reduce funding for schools or any other state programs or services. It simply gives voters the opportunity to protect funding for vital local services.

Susan Valenta, Executive Director

Gilroy Chamber of Commerce

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