music in the park, psychedelic furs

I was cleaning out my stack of newspapers noticed the article
regarding the atheists. Then I remembered that when I first had
gotten the paper I’d read the article about Christians celebrating
Easter and that I’d just quickly glanced at the article below about
the atheists.
Dear Editor,

I was cleaning out my stack of newspapers noticed the article regarding the atheists. Then I remembered that when I first had gotten the paper I’d read the article about Christians celebrating Easter and that I’d just quickly glanced at the article below about the atheists. Since the atheists and agnostics had been allowed to pretty much write their whole mission statement, it would only be fair for you to allow the point of view which follows.

“Aren’t They”

First, I’d like to point out that the authors failed to capitalize and misspelled God, because the article is specifically regarding the fact the atheists and agnostics don’t believe in God. I find it offensive, and I’m sure that if I start collecting a list of signatures I won’t be the only Christian who feels that way.

Then I noticed in the subtitle the last four words are “wholesome image of the religionless” and then the first statement says “Taking a cue from the gay, ‘or the homosexuals’ rights movement.”

I looked up wholesome in the dictionary and one of the definitions stated, “tending to improve the mind or character”, and since they’re, “the God haters”, are taking a cue from the homosexuals I can see the “wholesomeness” very clearly! Yes, I see a “hole not for some”, but for the whole lot of them and the “hole” is call Hades.

The Bible in Leviticus 18:22 states “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.” To make things clear, the same applies to lesbians. I looked up the word “abomination” and this is the definition. “1) an abominating; great hatred and disgust; loathing. 2) anything hateful and disgusting.” So there it is, the kind of people who atheists and agnostics pattern themselves after; can you see it, they’re just dripping with “wholesomeness”! I must be blind, atheists and agnostics are just “ordinary” people, “aren’t” they?

A few paragraphs down, there’s the comment by Mark Zumbach, president of the Triangle Freethought Society. “We’re ready to shift the stereotype of the curmudgeonly old, overly educated, angry white man”, he says and, “We’re a pretty diverse community.” Sure sounds that way to me, and it also sounds like they’re also all dressed in “white”! Ha! Ha! Get it? I also looked up “curmudgeon” and it pretty much runs beside Mr. Zumbach’s word “angry”. This is the definition, “a surly, ill-mannered, bad-tempered person; cantankerous fellow”. Wow, I stand corrected again. I can’t see the “wholesomeless”, sorry I meant to say “wholesomeness”. The God haters and their homosexual role models are just “ordinary” people, “aren’t” they?

Next there’s Sgt. Justin Griffith, another God hater, sorry … atheist, stating that 18 percent of soldiers at Fort Bragg indicated “no religious preference”. So, did you ask each of those soldiers whether they believed in God? When I was in the Army, the same question was asked regarding religious preference and many put none. Yet, that didn’t mean they didn’t believe in God.

So, last but not least there’s Annie Lauri Gaylor, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, stating that “then religion wins by default”; in which she’s so right, but Christianity wins by the Almighty Father Jehovah and His Son, my Savior Jesus Christ! The Bible in Ezra 8:22 states, “The hand of our God is upon all those for good who seek Him, but His power and His wrath are against all those who forsake Him.”

Yet, because He is a wonderful, forgiving and loving Father, He also states in Ezekiel 18:22, “For I have no pleasure in the death of one who dies,” says the Lord God. “Therefore turn and live!” May it be so, may it be so.

Fernando P. Sanchez, Gilroy

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