We are writing to express our sincere gratitude to our community
of merchants, friends and family.
Dear Editor,
We are writing to express our sincere gratitude to our community of merchants, friends and family.
Gilroy has been our home, where we were born, met, married, bought our first home, gave birth to our children and created a life together. In October of this past year, a lump in Dina’s breast was found to be cancerous. Though found to be at stage two, treatments of aggressive chemotherapy and radiation, having been advised as the course of medical action to increase survival without recurrence. Currently midway through chemotherapy, the side effects alone have resulted in the necessity of additional medical services. Being a household of two independent business owners, we’ve been fortunate to provide our four children with a beautiful home where we enjoy hosting family and friends. With this health obstacle, the ability to work is affected. The community has embraced our family with loving comfort sent our way via cards, flowers, meal dishes, gifts and continued prayers of support.
In addition, Gary Walton, a Gilroy developer and business owner, approached Shawn with the idea of hosting a benefit dinner at Lizzaran Restaurant. The staff very kindly worked with my family, Ana, Nancy, Nicole and Toni, to organize a beautiful event in early January. The outpouring of compassion through monetary, merchandise and service donations has been a blessing to our family, spiritually and financially.
In conjunction with the event, we would like to extend the utmost in appreciation to these kind hearts: A Game Sports, A Slice of New York in Sunnyvale, All For One, Tupperware Consultant Lisa Andrade, Baskin Robbins, Beauty Hair Supply, Maribel at Beauty Lounge, David and Renee Bettencourt, Tony and Rosie Bettencourt, Jon and Sonia Biggs, Tina and Spen Busick, Bruce’s Tire, California Home Resort of Morgan Hill, Ed and Andrea Castro, Chevy’s Restaurant, Cielito Lindo, Classic Car Wash of San Jose, Mike and Kathy Camino, Debbie Carsella, Creative Cabinetry, Drapoel’s of Hollister, Brent and Christine Drysdale, Elva’s House Cleaning, Robert and Tina Enz, Frank’s Garden Florist, Ralph and Pam Fierro, Karen Fortino, Garlic City Books, Garlic City Cafe, Garlic World, Gilroy Bowl, Gilroy Bike Center, Googooli, Monica and John Green, Adrienne Haygood, Heidi’s Cake Shoppe, Image and Design, Debbie Coleman of Jiffy Lube, Kirigin Cellars, Leedo Gallery, Lizzaran Restaurant, Mango Street Kids, Roger and Shirley Manning, Joey Martinez of Town Plaza Barbers, Tom and Karen Martinez, Mingus Pest Control, Moon’s Kitchen, The Next Step, Randy and Barbara Nicolosi, Nine Lives Club, Jenny Ochoa, OD’s Kitchen, Cindy Parks, Platinum Theatres, Robert Raymond Salon, Shag Hair Salon, Sight and Sound Security, Station 55, Strandz Salon, Stubby’s, Tasso’s Restaurant, Thomas Kinkade, Brenda and David Vaca, Victoria’s Restaurant, Gifts of Santa Cruz and Westside Pharmacy. Each and every person who has taken the time to think of us has made all the difference.
Shawn and Dina Lopez, Gilroy