Recently the Appellate Court in Texas held that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was not legal. This is regrettable.

For over 22 years I have been a volunteer with the Gilroy Citizenship/Educational Programs, where we provide immigration services to the Gilroy community and surrounding areas. Of the many services provided by GCEP are included the initial petition for DACA for those eligible for such benefit.

Although the court did not cancel the entire benefit, allowing those that have DACAs to continue to enjoy this benefit, it denies many others the same right.

Over the years some of our DACA recipients are earning $88,000-$100,000 a year! Several of them are inventors! What does this mean? They pay their taxes, and they are helping their siblings enter that wonder field we call education!

I hope and pray that the Congress of our United States can reach an accord to pass laws that will continue to enhance the beauty of our beloved country through education.

Ed Sanchez


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