Thank goodness we have Lisa Pampuch to help all of us hicks out
in San Martin understand the definition of bigotry. Maybe
Dear Editor,

Thank goodness we have Lisa Pampuch to help all of us hicks out in San Martin understand the definition of bigotry. Maybe when she understands her own hypocrisy, we will then take her seriously.

She lit into Mr. Becker because he opted to exercise his freedom of speech. Brilliant, Lisa. We’re at war with the terrorists who attacked us Sept. 11, 2001.

And what were they, Lisa? Self-professed radical Muslims.

Hmmm, Lisa and Mr. Becker actually do agree on this item. It’s just that she is excruciatingly verbose. I’ll take Mr. Becker’s direct opinion, thank you.

She complained that Mr. Becker’s gripe wasn’t addressed to what she deemed appropriate concerns, “traffic, architecture, or legitimate planning concerns.”

Fair enough, as a resident of San Martin, I’ll address these myself: Once this mosque is built, will we be subjected to the call to prayer blasted over a loudspeaker several times a day? Did anyone ask those who reside in San Martin if they wanted to live next to a cemetery? Do we really need more traffic and an ostentatious building in what we are trying to keep as quiet and bucolic?

I would certainly also address my last concern toward those scheming to develop the southeast quadrant.

Long time residents of San Martin have grown weary of being the dumping ground for unwanted businesses and associations.

I attended a meeting for the Islamic Center and was struck by how delighted both mayors from Morgan Hill and Gilroy were, welcoming them with open arms. It struck me as a truly NIMBY moment.

So “puleeze: (oh, urp) Ms. Pampuch, since you don’t live out here, don’t go attacking our neighbor because he chose to exercise his option of the freedom of speech, one of “This country’s foundational principles.”

Pick on somebody with a byline your own size.

Dawn Peru, San Martin

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