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The Feb. 4 ignorance (letter) by Maria Mancias of Morgan Hill,
which glorified the Obumma health-care deform, or HR 3962, is a
comedy written by society’s sheep.
Dear Editor,

The Feb. 4 ignorance (letter) by Maria Mancias of Morgan Hill, which glorified the Obumma health-care deform, or HR 3962, is a comedy written by society’s sheep.

Mancias concluded by urging “the Republicans” to concentrate on creating jobs. The only jobs that the Democrats create are those of government leeches, and the 16,000 new IRS agents provided by HR 3962 is the epitome thereof. Industry, not government or retail stores, creates wealth, with which come the jobs we need. And former President Clinton moved as many of those to China as possible.

I do admit that there are a few good parts of HR 3962 – stopping the lifetime cap and denial for pre-existing conditions, and keeping your kids insured until age 26. I have no love for insurance companies and would love to see them forced to compete like the most of the private sector must do to survive.

But nothing in HR 3962 incites competition between insurers. There is no incentive for them to stop the 10 percent annual increases. There is nothing to prevent HMOs from offering incentives to their physicians to deny service. And forcing people to have health insurance is blatantly unconstitutional.

The worst part about HR 3962 is putting the value of people’s plans on their W-2. This is free reign for both state and federal governments to tax our plans. But that is the typical Democrat way: Tax the middle class to pay for the poor.

Alan Viarengo, Gilroy

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