music in the park, psychedelic furs

On Feb. 6, my son took his car to get new tires. He was asked to
put his address on the work order and leave his keys. His
registration was also in his glove box. The shop had the car all
Dear Editor,

On Feb. 6, my son took his car to get new tires. He was asked to put his address on the work order and leave his keys. His registration was also in his glove box. The shop had the car all day.

On Feb. 7, the car was stolen from my front yard at 11:30 p.m. The car had no alarm and there was no forced entry.The tire company has a key making machine and whoever worked on the car saw there was not alarm.

In speaking to the officer who filed the report, the Gilroy Police Department will do nothing about it. Does 2+2=4?

I am disgusted that our police department does not think this is worthy of an Investigation especially since almost five cars (Honda’s) per day are stolen out of Gilroy.

I wonder if the car belonged to a Gilroy police officer’s child, and they had the facts like I do, would they simply let it go? Isn’t this what our taxes are for or is it all for fighting gangs whose members are probably all illegal immigrants?

I see why people get out of California. Our forces prioritize what they think is important. What happened to the days of police officers taking care of all crimes?

It’s no wonder so many people email or call the newspaper’s Red Phone to write in and comment on “backwoods justice.” It’s so sad that Gilroy law enforcement would rather look for a gang member then take care of basic crimes that are important to so many people and their families.

LeeAnne Christensen, Gilroy

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