In 2003 The Dispatch wrote a story about dedicating DeBell Uvas
Preserve and mentioned that it was a place in the city for
enjoyment in contrast with skate parks, tennis courts, etc.
Dennis DeBell had left the city $1 million for a nature
Dear Editor,
In 2003 The Dispatch wrote a story about dedicating DeBell Uvas Preserve and mentioned that it was a place in the city for “passive” enjoyment in contrast with skate parks, tennis courts, etc. Dennis DeBell had left the city $1 million for a nature preserve. A later Environmental Impact Report stated one of the goals was the preservation and enhancement of wildlife in the preserve.
So the bike run isn’t the best use of the banks of the Uvas, but when so many jurisdictions are involved it’s almost impossible to get action to remove it. Last I heard, a committee was being formed to try to resolve the problem, but that was a year ago, I think.
Sadly, I no longer see occasional skunks, foxes, and deer as I walk along the path. But is that the fault of the Solorsano Middle School sound system that can be heard from Miller Avenue to Santa Teresa Boulevard rather than the bike hazard course?
Sue Kruse, Gilroy