As long as we have people who are willing to help those in need, we will always be strong. Here is an example of people willing to do so:

I had an appointment with Mr. Britton Bonsall of Walk-Rite Shoes at 60 Fourth St. last week and since I could not find a parking space in front of Walk-Rite, I parked on Fourth Street in front of Michele Campbell Insurance Services.

As I got out of my car, cane in hand, and attempted to climb the curb to the sidewalk, I fell on my knees. As I was attempting to orient myself as to how I was going to get up, Michele Campbell came running out of her office and helped me up. She asked where I was going and I told her to the Walk-Rite store. She walked me to the store assuring me that she was there to take me home if I needed a ride.

As we walk into the store she sat me down and explained to Mr. Bonsall that I had fallen in front of her office. And, again told me that she would give me a ride if I needed one. She then left.

Immediately thereafter, Mr. Bonsall asked if he could look at my knees and did so with my permission. He then cleaned the minor scrape and placed a band aide on each one of them.

I feel justified in stating that these persons are the personification of what we mean when we say “Gilroy Strong.” Though we are independent, we are united when someone is in need.

I close now with the scripture that says, “We are only in the service of God when we help our neighbor.”

Edward P. “Eddie” Sanchez


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