While it was nice to see
Mustangs take a stand
(Sports, Section B, May 31 edition) it would appear that neither
staff photographer Nick Lovejoy or sports editor Josh Weaver took a
stand for some better discretion with the photo plastered on the
sports section front page.
Dear Editor,
While it was nice to see “Mustangs take a stand” (Sports, Section B, May 31 edition) it would appear that neither staff photographer Nick Lovejoy or sports editor Josh Weaver took a stand for some better discretion with the photo plastered on the sports section front page.
With The Dispatch hopefully being a family-oriented newspaper, the photo of the three members of the Gilroy High boys track team in the white body tights might have better served readers with some Photoshop editing or at least three fig leafs placed over the graphic details of male anatomy.
James Fennell, Gilroy