We all have such busy schedules that it can be a challenge to
find time to spend together as a family.
Dear Editor,
We all have such busy schedules that it can be a challenge to find time to spend together as a family. But quality time is important because when parents learn and play with their children every day, it boosts a child’s self-esteem and helps kids develop positive relationships. Even 10 to 30 minutes of one-on-one time per day is a good start, as long as it’s part of a regular routine. Young children will benefit from the love and attention they receive during these precious moments.
This holiday season, FIRST 5 Santa Clara County encourages parents as well as grandparents and caregivers to give the gift of quality time. By planning educational and nurturing activities everyone can enjoy together, families can set up healthy routines that last through the holidays and into the new year.
– Start a tradition. Plan a family meal at least once a week – more often if you can. Eating together provides a wonderful opportunity to talk with your children about their day and show them that they are your top priority. Get kids involved by giving them age-appropriate tasks like setting the table, tossing the salad and cleaning up.
– Open a book daily. Help your child’s imagination soar by reading favorite stories together. Point out fun things you see in picture books and let your toddler turn the pages.
– Host a weekly family fun night. On cold or rainy days, turn off the TV and computer, and get creative. Set up a row of chairs and role-play as a bus driver or train conductor; enjoy a game of musical chairs; or use everyday items like cardboard boxes, glue and cotton balls to create art.
n Take a field trip. Visit the zoo, local museums and libraries to learn about animals, interesting historical facts and other educational topics.
n Go outside for physical activity. Go for a walk, play catch, ride bikes around the neighborhood or visit the park. It’s a chance to spend time together as well as squeeze in a healthy dose of active play!
Make every moment count. Above all, use every moment together to learn from and listen to your child, even when taking care of everyday errands. Young children love to help – take your kids grocery shopping and let them pick out fruits and vegetables while you ask about favorite foods. When driving, point to colors and shapes, and ask your child to count trees or read simple signs.
Remember, spending quality time with your children this holiday season is a priceless gift – your time and attention cost nothing and mean everything.
Jolene Smith, Executive Director, FIRST 5 Santa Clara County
Hoping for justice in the sad case of kidnapping, attempted murder
Dear Editor,
The story headlined “Kidnapping, attempted murder case will go to pretrial hearing” saddens me deeply, but I am happy to hear that justice will be served.
Luckily no one was lost in this horrible story, but the lives of the two victims were changed forever.
As a mother and Gilroy resident it scares me to think that crimes like this occur in our own back yards. It reminds me how important it is to keep my family and friends close.
I hope that the three individuals responsible for this pay for the pain they caused.
Jennifer Drago, Gilroy
Just let all the tax cuts expire, then there’s not a political fight
Dear Editor,
Bad decisions have consequences and we can’t keep kicking the can down the road forever. It’s time to pay the bill on the two wars we’re fighting and get serious about reducing the deficit.
The Democrats want to spend money on the long-term unemployed and the Republicans want to give the rich more big tax breaks. I say it’s finally time to do nothing.
If Congress does nothing and let the tax breaks for EVERYONE expire then they don’t have to fight over who get’s what tax breaks. The Bush tax cuts were a bad idea and it needs to just die. The tax rates worked out just fine under former President Clinton when we had a surplus. When it comes to unemployment there is a time when enough is enough and two years is enough.
If we want to save even more money we can also end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. If we do all of the above we will be well on our way to balancing the budget. If we don’t do it then we are just letting the problem get worse and what it collapses it will be our fault for not owning our mistakes when we had the responsibility to do so.
Marc Perkel, Gilroy
A clean routing to Highway 152 is the Welburn Avenue traffic fix
Dear Editor,
Regarding the ongoing traffic congestion issue surrounding Welburn Avenue: Most people just want to avoid and get around going into downtown. Offhand, I’d bet that most of the traffic is headed to Highway 152 which is also First Street.
Maybe a clean, fast routing of traffic to Highway 152 would fix the congestion problem.
James Lucier, Gilroy