music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor,
As a registered Democrat, I am appalled by the Democratic
Party’s stubborn stance in regards to not allowing drilling for oil
in many areas where oil is known to be, to appease the so called
political base.
Democrat set to leave party over stubborn stance on drilling for oil

Dear Editor,

As a registered Democrat, I am appalled by the Democratic Party’s stubborn stance in regards to not allowing drilling for oil in many areas where oil is known to be, to appease the so called political base.

They apparently are not feeling our pain and don’t care if we are struggling.

If this persists, I will seriously consider moving over to the INDEPENDENT political party and vote my financial interests! And, I hope many more will join in.

Ron Kirkish, Gilroy

Just three years ago, gasoline in Gilroy cost $1.06 per gallon …

Dear Editor,

The June 17 letter by Tom Mulhern lists a number of factors why we have exorbitant gasoline prices: futures traders set the price (skyward, but who also push it downward); the plunging dollar; fuel-inefficient vehicles and China and India have increased their oil needs. He says, ” … that no politician, liberal or otherwise, has any influence on how much oil is available or what it costs”, concluding that “the best thing isn’t to find more sources of oil; it’s to find smarter ways to use less.”

I disagree, however, that no politician influences how much oil is available or costs. I also disagree that futures traders are the primary cause for the high cost of oil and gasoline. While traders affect the price, they do so because we have not attacked the root cause. If we had, we would not see such radical price swings and see lower, more stable prices instead.

We must:

Drill for our own oil. We have a huge supply in our mainland, the shelf and ANWAR. We allow China, Canada and Cuba to drill off our shores, but congress has yielded to pressure and influence of the environmentalists, therefore we cannot drill off our own shores.

Build more power generating dams – the benefits far outweigh the negatives, reducing imported oil and providing more scarce water.

Build safe nuclear power plants, but again, the environmentalists prevail with Congress.

Build and mandate more refinery capacity, so whenever there is an interruption in gasoline production due to storms, fires or annual maintenance, the nation’s refineries will still be able to keep up with demand.

Ultimately, politicians are responsible for not getting an energy policy like this done long ago.

Congress has not done this because the refining industry does not want more gasoline on the market, because it drops the price. Likewise, the oil companies and OPEC do not want more oil on the market because it dramatically drops the price. Three years ago, gasoline in Gilroy cost $1.06 per gallon because of a glut. Oil and gas production remain low, so gas prices remain high.

In short, decrease the supply – the oil and gas traders will follow the price upward. Increase the supply – the oil and gas traders will follow the price downward. It’s the oil and gas monopolies that control the supply on the market. They rule now.

They need to be broken. Put 20 percent more oil and gas on the market and the price will collapse. OPEC, oil companies, refineries, Congress and the executive office do not want these energy polices in place. But we do.

It’s high time “we the people” insist all politicians running for office commit to these policies, before November – or we do not vote for them. We are the only factor left who can make it happen. Where do your candidates stand?

Jim Langdon, Gilroy

Pinnacle Bank team salute to a wonderful Relay for Life event

Dear Editor,

Last weekend was the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life/Gilroy fundraising event. I am proud to announce that Team Pinnacle Bank raised over $15,000. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my team for their tireless efforts, especially those that braved the middle of the night cold. I would like to thank my co-captain Joanne Britton for walking more miles than she thought possible and a special thank you to The Chavez’s, Sue Thurman and Rick Farrington for their excellent set up and take-down of our camp. You guys kept me going.

I would like to thank all of our donors for opening their wallets in support of this great cause. Without all of you we couldn’t have done it. Our team would also like to thank Nob Hill Foods for their delicious popsicles and Articulate Solutions for a fabulous t-shirt design. Congratulations to Mike and Debbi Sanchez for putting on a fantastic event that raised over $103,000 for the American Cancer Society. Team Pinnacle Bank can’t wait to do it again next year.

Brittany Casarez, Marketing Coordinator, Pinnacle Bank, Gilroy

Believes tow truck operators in story absconded with van, tools

Dear Editor,

I believe these guys (A&R Towing) towed a van from one of my workers about two and a half years ago, and I never did get that van back. It also had our tools inside of it that we never got back.

George L. Sandoval, Gilroy

Editor’s note: You can also read a story on the

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