The City Council has canceled their Dec. 20 meeting resulting in
the rescheduling of the public hearing regarding the proposed
Shovel Ready
project on Wildflower Court at Mesa Road to Jan. 10, 2011 at 6
Dear Editor,
The City Council has canceled their Dec. 20 meeting resulting in the rescheduling of the public hearing regarding the proposed “Shovel Ready” project on Wildflower Court at Mesa Road to Jan. 10, 2011 at 6 p.m. The applicant had requested and received a continuance from the Nov. 1 meeting so that he could do community outreach.
This property currently holds a Special Project Exemption for 12 units or less and the applicant is requesting an increase in density to 42 units. We support the current status of this project as a 12-unit subdivision and believe it is appropriate for this property. It is contiguous with the adjacent properties on Dawn Way, Mesa Road and Wildflower Court, it serves as a buffer between existing neighbors and the high density Mesa Ridge project, provides low impact to traffic and privacy, provides environmental considerations and mitigations for tiger salamander and red legged frog populations and is harmonious with the rural atmosphere in the surrounding community.
The new “Shovel Ready” exemption would allow this project to increase density four fold with no consideration for its value to the community. The five simple requirements of this exemption are based solely on the speed by which a project can be built. There is no value added for the surrounding community with this request. We believe it will be a detriment to the community.
A development of this type has been proven on four separate occasions to be inappropriate on this property. Please join us at the City Council meeting on Monday, Jan. 11, at 6 p.m. where we will be asking the mayor and City Council to deny this request and maintain the current status of this property.
Thomas and Becky Fischer, Gilroy
Get real – blame for the economy and wars rests in many hands
Dear Editor,
The distorted and inaccurate submission of Marc Perkel’s view only seems to discredit his perspective on what’s wrong in America and reveals he seems to be out of touch with reality.
He states the Supreme Court usurped the power of the people and instead appointed George W. Bush as president, calling what the Supreme Court did, “an act of treason to the Constitution.” What the Supreme Court did then was within its right. However, Perkel makes no objection to the brash disregard for the Constitution exercised by the current president, Barack H. Obama, his administration and the Democratic controlled congress the last two years, which is unquestionably “unconstitutional”.
He states the U.S. had a surplus and were “… on track to completely pay off the national debt in 10 years, which would be today,” but fails to mention that the Democrats as well as the Republican legislatures had appropriated 10 years of the projected surpluses to new spending and not one cent was appropriated to pay off the debt.
By implying former-president Bush is the cause, he says, “Instead we got 9/11, two wars, a collapsing economy, and about $14 trillion in national debt.” But he fails to mention that a Democrat controlled congress, implementing Obama’s policies, ballooned our national debt to what it is, eclipsing Bush’s spending and thus collapsing our economy … and, the entire world knows where to lay the blame for this fiasco.
He further states Wall Street steals trillions and then is rewarded with more, but fails to mention that democratic progressives instigated the socialist agenda that “everyone-ought-to-own-a-home” – even if they cannot afford to pay for it. Andrew Cuomo of New York, appointed the head of the overseeing agency that regulated Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, urging that regulating head, as did progressives and Clinton, to turn a blind eye to regulations that were in place that would have prevented the greatest financial disaster America has every experienced.
In addition, Democrats and Republicans who both received campaign money from the lobbyists of Fannie & Freddie allowed this scam to continue. Obama, Chris Dodd and Barney Frank … all leading progressive Democrats, were top recipients of their campaign contributions.
Perkel mentions we got (from Bush) two wars. Obama campaigned, castigating Bush for the wars, running torture prisons in Iraq and promises to stop the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Said he would bring our troops home immediately and close Guantanamo Bay Prison immediately. While the Obama administration has declared the war in Iraq is officially over, troops are currently in both countries and Obama even went on the offensive in Afghanistan. And, Guantanamo Bay is still not closed. Perkel made no mention of this … but then his data does not appear to understand war.
Every perspective has a logic with its story line but Perkel’s perspective, unfortunately, is only a fictitious story.
Jim Langdon, Gilroy
AnnJAM walking event a huge success thanks to many helpers
Dear Editor,
My family and I would like to express our great appreciation for everyone’s generosity and support of the AnnJAM.
Thanks to our sponsors who provided us with so much support: OD’s Kitchen; California Silk Screening; Panera Bread; Black Bear Diner; The Printing Spot; Young Signs; McDonald’s; Mi Pueblo Food Center; Mimi’s Cafe; Erik’s Delicafe; Nob Hill Foods; and Costco.
Thanks to all of the participants who helped make the AnnJAM such a huge success, the terrific volunteers for all of your hard work and enthusiasm and the Dispatch for the great stories that you told.
Everyone’s good will and generous spirit helped us to raise about $4,000 for Hospice of the Valley. We couldn’t have done any of it without you! Watch for the AnnJAM in 2011 and meanwhile, keep walking!
Ann Jaszewski and the entire AnnJAM team, Gilroy