music in the park, psychedelic furs

Sue’s Coffee Roasting Company Friday night concerts continue in
May with a variety of musicians.
Today, see the Victor Ohana Band, a third-generation band
playing traditional and contemporary Hawaiian music.
To have your event listed in the digest,

Friday night concerts continue

Sue’s Coffee Roasting Company Friday night concerts continue in May with a variety of musicians.

Today, see the Victor Ohana Band, a third-generation band playing traditional and contemporary Hawaiian music.

May 16, see folk singers Zen Boy & Karma Girl.

All shows from 7 to 9 p.m., at 7501 Monterey St.

Details: Sue at 842-4220, or su*@su****************.com, You can also download a PDF of the nomination form from the Web site and mail the completed form to Real Heroes Breakfast Selection Committee, American Red Cross Santa Clara Valley Chapter, 2731 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95134 or fax the completed form to (408) 577-2050.

Frank Sanchez named marshal

The Gilroy Memorial Day Committee announced Frank Sanchez as the 2008 Grand Marshall. He served as a member of the U.S. Army. The theme, “Your Freedom, Their Lives” for the 11th annual Memorial Day Parade, May 26. All community groups, businesses and organizations are encouraged to participate in commemorating those who fell in the line of duty.

A ceremony will be held from 9 to 10 a.m. at Gavilan Cemetery, followed by a parade along 10th Street from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. From 1 to 4 p.m., a Family Fun Day will be held at Christmas Hill Park. It will include music, food, bounce houses for children, a climbing wall, face painting and more.

In addition, a car show will be held at the park following the parade. Car participants may drive their vehicle in the parade and then show them from 12:30 to 4 p.m. Or, just show it at the park. There will be awards given out and there is no entry fee.

Get an application at

On it you will find contact information and pictures from recent adventures, as well as on-line forms for our flag retirement service and joining.


Narateen meeting in Gilroy

For the children of families and friends of addicts 13 to 20, narateen meetings take place from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursdays, at First Baptist Church, 8455 Wren Ave., Room 202

Details: 836-7549, or ir***********@ya***.com

Conservative Republicans discuss politics

Conservative Republicans and others are invited to attend the monthly

meeting of the California Republican Assembly the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. Please RSVP for location and directions. The objective of the local CRA chapter is to raise political sophistication and keep abreast of politics in the state and the country.

Details: 327-6451.

Brain Injury Support

The Brain Injury Support Group meets from 6 to 8 p.m. every second and fourth Thursday of the month at Poblanita Restaurant, 313 Third St. in San Juan Bautista. Anyone who has had a brain injury, stroke or aneurysm is welcome to attend, along with caregivers, family and friends.

Details: Maggie at 623-9271.


Rock to reggae at winery

The popular Reggae Nights series continues Friday at Hecker Pass Winery’s new event center, La Vigna. Find Your Roots, a Santa Cruz-based band, will highlight an evening of entertainment for the younger set. The show begins at 7 p.m. and ends at 10 p.m. DJ Dread will keep the music driving. Food and drinks will be available. There’s an $8 cover charge, and youth 16 and older are welcome. Wrist bands are given to everyone upon entrance. Hecker Pass Winery is located at 4605 Hecker Pass Highway.

Details: Carlo Fortino at 930-6777 or visit

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