music in the park, psychedelic furs

Learn to write scripts with Gilroy Arts Alliance members and
filmmakers Mattie Scariot and Nils Myers. The workshop takes place
at 7 p.m. tonight in Gilroy Police Station meeting room. The cost
is $20 for alliance members, $25 otherwise.
Details and to register: sc*****@ju**.com
To have your event listed in the digest,

Dinner and dance at winery

Lana Wright Competition Dancers, a youth nonprofit organization, will be hosting its 3rd annual dinner and dance event at Guglielmo Winery Sunday. Enjoy a dance show, lunch outdoors at the winery, live and silent auction and fabulous prizes. Proceeds from fundraiser will help the dance team travel to Las Vegas this summer to compete in a national competition.

To make a donation or to purchase event tickets please call 778-1178.

Fun at the Gilroy Library

morgan hill senior housing

Enter a Teen Poetry Contest at the Gilroy Library, 7387 Rosanna St. One winner from middle school and one from high school will receive a $25 cash prize. Deadline is April 30. A complete rules and entry forms are available at the library and online at

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