music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor:
Whoever wrote that obscene letter to Dennis Taylor’s wife is
definitely missing, as Taylor well says it, two of males’
prerequisites for manhood.
Dear Editor:

Whoever wrote that obscene letter to Dennis Taylor’s wife is definitely missing, as Taylor well says it, two of males’ prerequisites for manhood.

That aside, Taylor’s assertion that mass transportation is inherently socialist because it is partially financed with public funds is absurd. It is socialist only because, here, county and city governments decided to own and run it.

A core tenet of conservatism is that the state is to limit itself, among other things, to own no more than the means, and provide no more than the services that, reasonably, the state must, respectively, own and provide. There you have the military, law enforcement, safety institutions, etc.

But road mass transportation does not have to be owned by the state. In some countries, mass public transportation is private … and very profitable.

I lived in Venezuela for some time. Mass transportation is private there – except maybe for the train system. In Caracas – the capital, an overpopulated city of more than two millions and topographically convoluted and squeezed in a narrow valley – one can go from any point to any other point in the city using mass transportation. Why? Because – even now, and despite socialist president Hugo Chavez – road mass transportation there is private. A busy network of bus routs, and thousands of formal and informal (freelancer) taxis crisscross most cities, interconnecting points where real demand exist, via routs selected by rout owners, although subject to approval by the state.

In Caracas, for example, rout owners use diverse sizes of buses, in diverse numbers and schedules, at diverse times of the day, so that oversized, overnumbered or overscheduled units are rarely seen on city streets. Rout owners make profits down there.

Here, in Santa Clara County, road mass-transportation mostly interconnects points where demand does not exist, via routs and schedules, and in numbers whimsical selected by VTA bureaucracy apparatchicks. No wonder VTA buses and light rail cars run empty most of the time. And here, we taxpayers are unnecessarily saddled with financing the inefficient, money losing road-mass transportation system.

That’s sheer socialism, as socialism is an insatiable glutton that unnecessarily devours more and more tangible (assets, for example) and intangible (rights, for example) from individuals.

Are leftists (a.k.a. “liberals”, who ironically would do whatever possible to thwart individual liberty, when the term liberal is an etymological derivative of liberty) so stupid to not have grasped yet the monumental collapse of the entire Soviet Empire? Hello. Excuse me! The gargantuan Soviet implosion had its roots in you guess what … socialism, stupid!

See how the Democrat controlled Golden State is now the bankrupt state, with a $35 billion deficit, which amounts to more than the cumulative deficit of the other forty nine states of the union. See the scandalously outrageous effects of the socialistoid policies that the California Democratic nomenklatura umbridledly, feverishly lusts for and imposes on us…wasting gargantuan amounts of money in any zany way they may fancy… all at the expense of us taxpayers.

California taxpayers unite, and rebel at the ballot box! All you will lose is the chains that the Leftist Democrats have shackled you with!

Rene Guerra, Sunnyvale

Submitted Saturday, Jan. 11 to ed****@ga****.com

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