Dear Editor:
I remember Pamela Jones quite well as a rather disagreeable
individual who frequently haunted the Gilroy City Council Chambers
and Mayor Tom Springer on a regular basis several years ago.
Dear Editor:
I remember Pamela Jones quite well as a rather disagreeable individual who frequently haunted the Gilroy City Council Chambers and Mayor Tom Springer on a regular basis several years ago. What struck me, as most peculiar about Ms. Jones was the obvious, yet inexplicable rage towards Tom Springer. I had thought (hoped) she had moved to Berkeley, but much to my dismay, she is among us.
Ms. Jones makes a parody of why Tom Springer should pull papers to run for mayor. To say the least it was in poor taste. At worst, it showed Jones to be a bitter, mean spirited, intolerant and otherwise rude person.
Whether you like Tom Springer’s personality, and at times quirkiness or not, I challenge Jones or anyone to show me a person in the last 10 years who has contributed as much to the betterment of Gilroy. It is easy to sit on the sidelines and then, like Seven-Year Locust, crawl out of the ground and wreak havoc. The facts make liars out of his detractors. While I consider Tom a friend, we often disagree on issues and methods. Because he doesn’t play favorites, he has managed to tick off people on the left and the right fairly evenly.
Tom comes at things very analytically as you might expect from a software engineer. It has been my experience that software engineers, while brilliant, don’t always communicate clearly and gently with us earthlings. It has also been my experience that, like it or not, Tom Springer has been right the majority of the time. That really offends those who are too insecure to admit that fact.
Make jokes if you will, but personally, I hope and pray that Tom Springer does pull papers and run for mayor. I also wish Councilman Al Pinheiro could have waited another term to run for mayor. I would have voted for him. Al and Tom both have strikingly similar voting records but, admittedly, very different communication styles. Now we will lose one of these fine gentleman and with the union backed socialist, anti-growth, anti-business environmentalists lining up to take over the city council, I have nightmares of waking up in South Berkeley instead of Gilroy.
Mark Zappa, Gilroy
Submitted Thursday, July 24 to ed****@ga****.com