– The group of citizens charged with making sure Gilroy Unified
School District spends its recently approved $69 million correctly
has been formed.
GILROY – The group of citizens charged with making sure Gilroy Unified School District spends its recently approved $69 million correctly has been formed.

School board trustees OK’d Thursday a list of eight names plus two alternates who will monitor all school facility projects covered by Measure I funds.

Voters approved the district’s largest-ever ballot initiative in the November 2002 election.

The committee’s ninth slot – which will eventually be filled by a representative from the Gilroy Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – remains vacant. Representatives from the business community, a taxpayers group, district parents and the community-at-large make up the oversight group.

“Some of these categories were set up by the state. The district went beyond that and added a couple more categories,” trustee Bob Kraemer said. “We’re also being more stringent on the frequency of reporting (to the board).”

The oversight committee will meet for the first time this week and will report to the board most likely on a quarterly basis.

Roughly a dozen individuals applied for a position on the committee. Those who were not chosen by the district are being invited to attend the group’s meetings as observers.

“We thought it would be best to keep people in the loop if they expressed an initial interest,” Superintendent Edwin Diaz said.

Passage of the Measure I initiative triggered the establishment of an independent oversight group.

Measure I will help fund the construction of a second GUSD high school, raze and rebuild Eliot Elementary School, construct a new Las Animas Elementary School campus and upgrade other aging campuses districtwide.

At least one of the oversight committee’s members, Jane Howard, was a donor to the Yes on Measure I campaign.

Howard, a former GUSD trustee and state Assembly candidate, represents the California Taxpayers’ Association. Kraemer said her involvement with the oversight committee and her $150 donation to the campaign is not a conflict of interest.

“I look at it the other way around,” Kraemer said. “She knows our facility master plan, she knows the bond measure and she is very understanding and supportive of oversight concept. Jane is very much a believer that the district or any government should not stray from what the taxpayers agreed too.”

Measure I Citizen’s Oversight Committee

Rob Oneto Gilroy Chamber of Commerce

Jane Howard California Taxpayers’ Association

Mike Smurthwaite Senior Citizens

Diane Stunkle Parent

Ron Hunt Parent

Lucille White Parent

Gary Sanchez At-large community member

Neal Grover At-large community member

Rick Patel Alternate parent

John Green Alternate at-large community member

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