Adult-Junior Golf Tournament; Gilroy City Junior Tournament
GILROY – Gilroy Golf Course will once again be bustling with junior golfers trying to out score their adult partners as the ever popular Adult-Junior Golf League gets under way. The league is played every Monday evening through August 11th and you don’t need to attend every Monday to participate. Different formats of play will be used each Monday. Any adult (over 21) can partner with any junior (under 17) for a nine hole round of relaxed atomosphere golf. Moms and Dads have found this a great way to get out with their kids and play some summer evening golf. Cost is $17 for adults and $7 for juniors and carts are optional. Tee off times are between 5:30-6:30. Just show up any Monday to be included.
GILROY – Gilroy Golf Course will host the GILROY CITY JUNIOR TOURNAMENT July 29-30. The cost for the two day event is $25 with a discount given to junior summer passholders. The entry fee includes 2 rounds of golf, golf balls, lunch on Wednesday and awards to the top finishers. Play will be broken into age groups.
To sign up call Gilroy GC @ 848-0490.