Dear Editor,
I’ve been going to The Quail Canyon Inn for over 20 years and do
not recall ever seeing any problems there. Sure, 45 Joe or Coonhill
Mike may have gotten a little drunk and obnoxious a time or two,
but nothing out of the ordinary.
Dear Editor,
I’ve been going to The Quail Canyon Inn for over 20 years and do not recall ever seeing any problems there. Sure, 45 Joe or Coonhill Mike may have gotten a little drunk and obnoxious a time or two, but nothing out of the ordinary.
I was surprised to read the quotes about The Quail Canyon Inn by the Gilroy police officer. I believe he was misquoted in reference to “The Outlaws Motorcycle Club.”
The Outlaws are an East Coast club, and, to my knowledge, have never been to the Quail. The officer probably meant to say outlaw motorcycle clubs in general. Either way, in hundreds of visits I never saw a club problem at The Quail. The Quail was a great place to meet up with friends and have a nice mellow time. Anyone who says otherwise must have lost his girlfriend to a biker or something.
Mark Godzilla, Saratoga