music in the park, psychedelic furs

1) Has Gilroy city government, city operations and all
associated city departments become nothing more than

convenience centers

for City Council’s bought-and-paid-for union zealot?

1) Has Gilroy city government, city operations and all associated city departments become nothing more than “convenience centers” for City Council’s bought-and-paid-for union zealot?

Perhaps, as suggested before, Mayor Al Pinheiro should take the Council’s union zealot, Paul Correa, and explain to him the basic responsibilities of serving on Council – not serving out-of-town union manipulators but serving the community.

He might explain those orientation meetings for new Council members are not simply “show-and-tell” (Eric Leins, “No-show at Council training” Jan. 15). When 11 city department heads arrange their busy schedules to “get new Council members acquainted with all aspects of city government and to give them an opportunity to ask questions and bring up individual concerns,” it’s expected new Council members will be present.

Not the union zealot.

Throughout the election campaign, the union zealot indicated his desire for one-on-one meetings with department heads – as though he and he alone should be accorded special status … should be catered to at his convenience. When given a planned opportunity to meet with all department heads he fails to attend, conveniently having “a critical work issue” and hopes city staff “will be understanding.”

His plan – surprise! surprise! “… he would call City Administrator Jay Baska to see if he could meet individually with city department heads at other times.”

Hey, union zealot, it doesn’t work that way.

Council duty expects you to fit your schedule around city operations – not the other way around. You had advance notice of the orientation meeting but chose instead to play your irresponsible no-show game. Look beyond your union puppet masters’ demands and recognize that city staffers aren’t in place to serve your whims – you sit in that union-purchased Council seat to serve them and – oh, yes – all Gilroy citizens.

Throughout the election your Planning Commission attendance was “perfect.” To date your Council attendance is 100 percent. Nice show but, if you fail to meet the responsibilities of Council through ignoring scheduled orientations, retreats or meetings, you’ll reflect the pattern of your union fealty – indifference toward, and failure to serve, the people of Gilroy.

James Brescoll, Gilroy

Submitted Wednesday, Jan. 22

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