43.3 F
January 20, 2025

GPD busts SJ man for attempted lewd conduct

Police have busted another man suspected of using the Internet

10-year-old’s grandmother arrested for child abuse

The investigation into the death of a 10-year-old Gilroy boy

Assault arraignment

A pregnant woman assaulted in the parking lot of her west Morgan

Plea delayed in case


Use of illegal fireworks on the rise

Confiscations could hit 10,000 next year, but police citations

Victims testify at hearing

Gang member charged with multiple offenses; another also

Boy, 10, beaten to death

Father to be charged in Gilroy child's death

DUI arrests up in Gilroy over Fourth

Alcohol-related injury crashes down, no fatalities for second

Confiscated with a bang

Between fighting four small fires, Gilroy fire and police crews

Murder in east foothills

Those involved in holiday weekend tragedy may have been family

