music in the park, psychedelic furs

It’s ridiculous that South County ratepayers are shouldering $4
million of the burden left over from Olin Corporation’s perchlorate
poisoning of our groundwater.
It’s ridiculous that South County ratepayers are shouldering $4 million of the burden left over from Olin Corporation’s perchlorate poisoning of our groundwater.

Costs for cleaning up the perchlorate plume caused by the flare manufacturing plant on Tenant Avenue which closed in 1997 should be wholly borne by the responsible party – Olin.

But Olin has apparently legally wiggled its way out of paying $4 million in costs associated with the perchlorate plume that the Santa Clara Valley Water District and the City of Morgan Hill have paid. And guess who’s going to spring for that $4 million? Ratepayers.

That’s just not right.

The Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury, fortunately, is still considering issues to investigate next year. This would be a prime example of where a Grand Jury could step in and do some real good.

Did the Regional Water Quality Control Board in San Luis Obispo hold Olin’s feet to the proverbial fire with enough gusto?

Should Olin be required to pay back the $4 million to the SCVWD and the City of Morgan Hill? If not, why not?

Sylvia Hamilton, the San Martin spitfire who spearheaded the Perchlorate Community Awareness Group has it right. “It’s totally and completely wrong,” she said. “… People in the community did not contaminate the water, Olin did.”

Hopefully, she can fire another salvo aimed at engaging the Grand Jury. A call to the new County District Attorney, Jeff Rosen, is in order, too.

If ratepayers end up carrying Olin’s tab for poisoning our wells that’s about as ugly and irresponsible a message that could possibly be sent.

Olin has reservoirs of money. They should pay.

Won’t somebody do the right thing?

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