39.6 F
March 10, 2025

Imperative to save Saint Louise

In the best case scenario Saint Louise Regional Hospital, which is on the market along with the entire group of hospitals owned and operated by the Catholic Daughters of Charity, will be sold to a compassionate organization intent on providing quality health care to South County residents. In the worst case, scenario, there would be no takers and Saint Louise would be shuttered.

Red Barn: repurpose, recycle, reuse

The crumbling red barn on the ranch side of Christmas Hill Park may or may not be traceable to one of the area’s most prominent historical figures, cattle baron Henry Miller. While that matters to a degree, the point remains: the red barn is still a part of Gilroy history. The real question is how much the community values that history.

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus

… Yes, Virginia, there was an editorial about the credibility of Santa Claus, appearing more than 100 years ago in The New York Sun. It was written by Francis Pharcellus Church, an assistant to the paper’s editor. A true Christmas classic, it has outlived its writer, the recipient, and the newspaper that gave it life. Its most famous phrases are often recalled and sometimes parodied.

GUSD back on the right track

It’s heartening to hear that the Gilroy Unified School District has solid reserves of 9 percent, that a bond re-finance saved $50 million and that union negotiations with teachers have been both realistic and productive.

Minimum wage in the county?

The road to fiscal folly is paved with good intentions, as Santa Clara County Supervisor Dave Cortese has demonstrated.

Whopping victory for library tax

It is gratifying indeed that our community recognizes the value of a community library – so much so that a continuation of the library parcel tax passed with a whopping 81 percent of the vote. Getting the necessary two-thirds majority to continue the $33.66 per year charge for a single family home was not a problem.

Gilroy Fire’s systemic issues

What’s becoming more and more clear is that there’s something systemically wrong with the Gilroy Fire Department. What’s wrong is exemplified by the ongoing lawsuit brought against our community for overtime pay by well-compensated assistant fire chiefs Phil King and Ed Bozzo (retired). What’s wrong is exemplified by the fact that the firefighters are the only group to ever force the city into binding arbitration. What’s wrong is exemplified by the fact that the firefighters union again hasn’t settled contract negotiations with the city.

Shut down gambling operation – again and again

Shut them down again – and again, and again, and again – if necessary.

Moving the pile on vacant downtown buildings

It’s working. The owners of the long-vacant unreinforced masonry buildings downtown are coming to City Hall for the proverbial “come to Jesus” meeting with city staff.

URM hard line stance endorsed

The city’s new hardscrabble stance on the vacant unreinforced masonry buildings downtown is, understandably, born of frustration. Years of trying to cajole, incentivize, plead, push and assist have resulted in hardly any change. Vacant buildings dominate the central block. It’s an embarrassment to the community, and it’s no wonder that Mayor Don Gage, a born-and-raised Gilroyan, has had enough.

