56.4 F
July 26, 2024

Solve water supply problem now

If the perchlorate problems in South Valley have taught us

Time to Exit Gracefully

Gilroy's City Council should halt approval of housing

Shop local, give local good mantra for the season

This time of year reminds us of the importance of two things.

Ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure, a gallon of stress

Crime prevention tips, visit the National Crime Prevention

Step back from Miller Avenue vote

The Gilroy City Council crossed the good-neighbor line last

Unfortunately, an ill-timed recall of school board members

The community is tired of parental input being ignored, poor

Gavilan’s board should rethink leadership

The revelation that the top 20 earners at Gavilan College earn more than $3.4 million a year, or about 15 percent of the total personnel costs at the college, begs this question: Are they worth it?

Freak Show Gets the Ax

Our View: Banning freak dancing at Gilroy High School isn't the

Flyover fix for dangerous Pacheco intersection

The political stars were aligned just right for the long overdue

Council, Don’t Lock Us Out

The Gilroy City Council and the City Administrator owe Gilroyans

