51 F
March 13, 2025

It’s a good site for Gilroy High II

We can't think of a better site for a new public high school and

Our choice for mayor: Al Pinheiro

We're hoping the mayor can recover from a rocky first term and

Boost for SV Health Care

The following organizations and individuals deserve either

For Tom Haglund, our thanks and best of luck

After seven years at Gilroy’s helm, City Administrator Tom Haglund will depart to become general manager of the Tuolumne Utilities District in Sonora in the Mother Lode country where he has kept a second home for years. It’s a dream job as he moves closer to retirement.

Editorial: Rebeca should resign

City Councilmember Rebeca Armendariz should stand down from public office and save Gilroy citizens the expense and trauma of a recall election. An independent investigation concluded that Armendariz knew about and assisted preparations for an illegal party at which teen drinking occurred and at which...

Mayor and City Council should give up their city-paid health benefits

The mayor and five City Council members made a grave error in

California home prices just keep on heading up

Despite a sluggish economy

Times are tough, lend a hand

It's a lousy combination: 80-degree mid-November weather and an

Saint Louise plans to inject new life into MH facility make sense

Saint Louise Hospital's announced plans to venture back into

School Facilities First

At the end of the week, the Gilroy Unified School District and

