78.4 F
July 26, 2024

Restore luster to the GHS drama program

Though apparently not popular with students, the decisions not

Garlic Fest Joyful Spirit

Elections, the approaching holidays and the distinctive nip in

No high-speed tracks in Coe Park

South Valley governmental agencies should follow the lead of the

Take a bow, Gilroy

A look at the Cory McCarthy story that was published Friday in

Tax day reminder: System is arcane and frustrating

Another April 15 tax filing deadline has arrived, reminding

Even ‘safe and sane’ fireworks need some common sense

Don’t be misled by so-called “safe and sane” fireworks on this holiday, or any other. These sparklers can still blind and burn skin. They can ignite housefires and wildfires. They can kill or maim pets. The “safe and sane” designation assumes another very important ingredient:...

C.J. Laizure PD, a great Gilroy call

The following organizations and individuals deserve either

More teeth needed for pit bull ordinances

Ever since a 12-year-old boy was mauled to death by his own family's pit bulls, the state has been considering legislation to allow cities and counties to enact breed-specific ordinances affecting dogs.

TV for the Homeless?

Our View: A donation stirs a controversial pot as readers sound

Performance in the Package

Whatever the trustees of the Gilroy Unified School District

