Support our library – Yes on A
Whether you’re a library patron or not, we believe strongly in a Yes vote for Measure A that’s coming to your mailbox.
Bond talk: What Gilroy wants?
Mayor Don Gage has opened up a can of worms with his invitation to the City Council and, of course, the community to discuss a city bond measure that would fund “wish list” items. We’re glad he did.
Turn the wheels of justice
It’s been a year since Antolin Garcia Torres, 22 of Morgan Hill, was arrested and charged with the kidnap and murder of 15-year-old Sierra LaMar.
Dealing with the transient problem
Gilroy Police Chief Denise Turner has a dilemma and she’s, understandably, seeking a policy direction from the City Council.
Insurance for ambulance rides
Imagine a medical emergency that requires an ambulance. Fast forward a month or so and imagine getting a bill from the Rural-Metro for $10,000 give or take with a notice declaring that the company, unfortunately, doesn’t contract with your private medical insurance carrier. You’re on the hook for the bill, maybe you’ve been unable to work and then the aggressive calls from the collection agency start.
Payday loans: Take a closer look
Passing an urgency interim ordinance – normally reserved for extreme and unforeseen situations – is more than a bit premature, it’s perplexing.
GUSD finances, a messy trend
Having the Santa Clara County Office of education step in and forcibly take over the finances of the Gilroy Unified School District is more than a community embarrassment, it points out a critical issue in Superintendent Debbie Flores’ administration.
Reducing the pension albatross
With city contract bargaining season in full swing, it’s imperative that the city not just hold the line in one key negotiable area, but roll it back further to ensure long-term financial stability.
Where to park the library bond funds?
When it comes to using $5 million in library bond funds to build a parking structure or lot, we’re all for it – if and only if the lots and/or structure is the highest and best use for the entire community.