Fair market value for city’s stash of retired guns
Giving Gilroy Police Officers an option to purchase retired guns bought by the city is an idea that makes some sense. But, given the right to buy a retired weapon paid for by the public first is enough of a perk. The officers should pay market value for the weapons.
Insisting on reason for county winery regulations
Santa Clara County Supervisor Mike Wasserman has delivered – to an extent – on a campaign promise. A group of winery owners, who are understandably wary and jaded from years of trying to work with an unreasonable county staff, is meeting to work through issues that constantly come up.
An outrageous raise for Gavilan College president
Significant local news events of the day have pushed the Gavilan College president’s whopping $42,000 salary increase off the front page. But it shouldn’t be ignored.
Don’t spend $100,000 on Welburn study
Before the City Council votes to spend $100,000 on a traffic
Citizens should oversee open government access
Before the political shenanigans go any further, the full Gilroy
Keeping the GHS-CHS rivalry healthy
Whether it's science classroom equipment, wrestling room
Council should tone down drama, make a decision
Hopefully, the Gilroy City Council decision Monday to agendize
Eye in the sky to change the tenor in downtown
The first downtown eye in the sky, which is hooked up to the
Commentary: Power of partnership: How the ‘eye’ works
It's unique. A private-public partnership that results in