51.8 F
March 11, 2025

‘We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take this anymore’

Enough. Being reasonable with our state legislators and governor

Santa Clara Valley Water District arrogance uncovered in court loss

The Santa Clara Valley Water District's stranglehold on water

The only reasonable choice for GUSD trustees: Close El Portal

The vote should be unanimous given the facts of the matter

City compensation over the top – and it’s not just about ‘the system’

The days of astounding defined benefits like 3-at-50 are

1,000 students at one middle school in Gilroy – it’s absurd

Ascension Solorsano Middle School, which will surpass the

Time to change the water district’s familiar song-and-rate-hike dance

The rate-hike dance which the Santa Clara Valley Water District

Cutting the phone line cord gives us an opportunity to improve

Sabotage on the order of last week's severing of fiber optic

Economic gardening, a flowery term leading to Gilroy’s future

Amidst a tumultuous economy which is taking a huge bite out of

Science camp policy: all students go or none can attend?

The days aren't gone when students hit their parents up for $250

