62.5 F
March 9, 2025

Parks Dept. left archery range in shambles

I was very happy to see the March 23 Dispatch article informing local people about how someone at the Santa Clara County Parks Department is trying to ruin the Mt. Madonna Park archery range. I have spoken to over a dozen credible sources about...

Mayor confusion

To the editor, On the surface, most cities are governed by a council and a single mayor who are sensitive to and directed by the wishes of voters. Beneath the surface, most would admit, there are other forces pressing upon elected officials. Primary among...

Questions about mosque project

Santa Clara County hosted a special meeting on July 12 for public comment on the Cordoba Center Draft Environmental Impact Report. Many in the crowded room ignored the purpose of the meeting and voiced “feelings” about the applicant or project. South Valley Islamic Center project...

Let us support Islamic Center

To the Editor, I write in support of the Cordoba Center project initiated by the South Valley Islamic Community (SVIC) to provide a mosque for worship and related spiritual services, a cemetery, a separate community building for social and educational activities, and a caretaker’s dwelling...

Bravery vs. Babbittry at the City Council

Dear editor, The many concerned citizens at the July 3 City Council meeting endured a very long and tedious sales pitch for Skippy Spiering’s Apartment Complex Masquerading as Agri-Tourism proposal for blighting Hecker Pass. Trouble is, the promotional talk that touched on and attempted to...

Judge’s supporters blame victim

This letter is in response to a May 25 letter to the editor about the Recall Judge Persky campaign. In January 2015, two grad students biking through campus found Stanford swimmer Brock Turner in the act of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a...

Recall Judge Persky

Despite being convicted of three felonies by a unanimous jury on all counts, former Stanford swimmer Brock Turner served only 90 days after assaulting his victim behind a dumpster. Many members of the legal community questioned Judge Aaron Persky's sentencing decision, and over 94,000...

Letters: John Hirokawa for Sheriff

Honesty. Integrity. Transparency. None of these words appeared in this newspaper’s May 3 editorial. In their place, Laurie Smith is referenced fourteen times. No other phrase appears more often, not even close. Nowhere in the editorial did this newspaper mention John Hirokawa’s nearly four decades...

Mosque project too big for San Martin

The Morgan Hill Times article dated April 26, 2018 (“Moque project to face public review by summer”) is one-sided. The quote from the mother of the bullied student, who admits that the problem had been resolved a year ago, just instilled more negativity and...

Vote ‘No’ on Persky recall

On the June 5 ballot, Santa Clara County voters will be asked whether or not to recall Judge Aaron Persky, the judge who sentenced former Stanford student Brock Turner for sexual assault. I urge all voters to vote NO to the recall and here...

