78.4 F
July 26, 2024

Letter: Gilroy Memorial Day Parade canceled

Last year at this time our nation was just coming to grips with a pandemic that would forever change our lives. Since then the global pandemic has kept its grip on our nation and the world.  Fortunately its grip is loosening! A holiday like Memorial...

Letter: America is in trouble

We have a big election this year. President Trump seems to think this is Joe Biden’s America, well it’s not, it’s Donald Trump’s America, where mayhem and chaos is now an everyday thing! Trump is a failure in every way! The virus, the economy. What...

Letter: No need to search outside for administrator

I disagree with Mayor Roland Velasco's claim that Gilroy should have conducted a nationwide search for a new city administrator instead of appointing Jimmy Forbis, who has been the Gilroy Finance Director since 2016 and is the current interim administrator.  Full disclosure, I live in...

3 letters: There go your private property rights … Agenda 21; Who needs Romney’s recovery?; Send bullet train back to the ballot

‘This means that you, Fido, and your prize petunia now have equal rights …’

Letter: No-cost mattress disposal exists for Gilroy residents

In response to “Gilroy needs accessible mattress disposal site” (Gilroy Dispatch, Letters, Jan. 8), The Mattress Recycling Council’s Bye Bye Mattress program shares the author’s enthusiasm for establishing a permanent collection site in the city. Our staff is working diligently to make this possible...

LETTER: Ban leaf blowers during school hours

I would like to advocate for banning leaf blowers during school hours while the shelter-in-place requirement is in effect.  Many Gilroy homes have schoolchildren and college students relying on distance learning, and the noise of leaf blowers operating outdoors within a few hundred feet makes...

Letter: Young was a bright presence

Your article about Gary Young’s death from Covid really touched me (South Valley, June 12, 2020). Gary was always a bright presence at Orchard Supply, then at Lowe’s. I couldn’t pass him without some mutual recognition; a simple hello or a brief conversation. At one...

Join 4-H!

Congratulations to the new youth executive board of San Martin 4-H Club. With this great youth team, our club will strive for a successful year. The executive board will keep the meetings running smoothly and plan fun events for our members to enjoy throughout...

Letter: Accept the voters’ voices

In the 2016 general election, Roland Velasco was elected mayor with two years remaining on his council seat. His seat as a council member was vacated and needed to be filled. The need to fill that seat was known on the night of the...

