4 letters: Warmth to troops, no one to blame, free health care
Make a point now to bring some warmth to Christmas for our American troops overseas
Three letters: Prop 38, Prop 35 and anti-Obama display
Proposition 38 a dramatic 12-year tax increase that will cause pain across the board
1 letter: Huge problem with contract firm for Gilroy dog licensing
Anyone else having trouble with Gilroy’s ‘Pet Data system’ for licensing a dog in the city?
Letters: Obama not competent, strong opinions on Social Security, Medicare
Obama is not competent or a leader
Letters: What’s the difference between Fry complex and mosque?
Mosque size doesn’t matter, it’s all about who’s building and who has influence
4 letters: No room for name calling this election
No room for name calling this election; it is a time of healing instead
4 letters: There are no incumbents; Vineyard School back in business; Bottomless money pit for public transit; Republican debt clock a joke
After redistricting, there are no true ’incumbents’
3 letters: Obama get back to work, stop sign needed and it’s about the owner, not the pit bull
President Obama has found time to golf; too bad he hasn’t also had time to fix economy
5 letters: hopital transparency and mosque concerns
Hospital committed to transparency with patients, community
Letters: Survey at Saint Louise ‘nothing new’; toll road is trade barrier; great visit by sister city guests; Romney: put America first
Government survey warnings to Saint Louise Hospital ‘nothing new’ – ‘it happens all the time’