Letter: Column reminds us to always remember and honor those lost
Thanks to Andrea Joseph for sharing the column entitled,
Letter: Gay education mandate latest example of indoctrination
I was glad to read the story about local churches helping
Letter: Habitat Plan does not place a new burden on developers’
Thank you for your coverage of the proposed Santa Clara Valley
Letter: Social Security is not a fraud, it’s the Republican Party
First GOP candidate Michele Bachmann calls Social Security
Letter: Longtime resident totally against mosque in San Martin
I have been a resident of San Martin for 44 years and am totally
Letter: Obama never said those words, it’s a lot of ‘Internet hooey’
James Fennell's Sept. 9 letter repeats a fabrication that has
Letter: 9/11-and-oil column very inappropriate, poorly timed
I was appalled to read in Marty Cheek's column, the relationship
Letter: Anti-Obama letter should have been verified before publication
As a columnist, James Fennel plagiarizes another person's work,
Letter: A surprise birthday present trip to New York City
My wife Stephanie surprised me with a trip to New York city for