Letter: Another former user happy to have broken Facebook habit
A big thank you to Jennifer Langdon for her
Letter: ‘Can’t we all just get along’ and quiet the rants
It never ceases to amaze me how much space you spend letting
Letter: Grad Night for GHS 2011 class needs donations
Every year for the last 23 years, Gilroy High School students
Letter: Thanks for giving her husband a ride home
I would like to thank the kind couple who drove my husband home
Last-minute withdrawal of ‘shovel-ready’ project the right thing to do
In an 11th hour move, the developer withdrew his application for
Letter: Not another penny for Brown’s proposal to raises taxes again
The state is going to try and con us into paying more tax. As
Letter: Can hardly wait for an Indian casino
Finally an Indian Casino to accommodate the central bay area.
Letter: Little ditty on Republican Speaker who offers ‘no solutions’
We have a new Speaker of the House A Republican named John
Letter: Looking for good homes for 40 cats
I am writing to spread the word about a San Martin resident in
Letter: Why ratepayers are stuck paying for perchlorate mess
The Santa Clara Valley Water District understands the