music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor,
The parents of all the basketball players, both girls’ and boys’
Gilroy High School teams, would like to thank you for the fabulous
coverage you have provided our players all year long. We are all so
lucky to live in a small enough town where our children can get
front-page attention and special coverage. This never would have
happened in a larger city.
Dear Editor,

The parents of all the basketball players, both girls’ and boys’ Gilroy High School teams, would like to thank you for the fabulous coverage you have provided our players all year long. We are all so lucky to live in a small enough town where our children can get front-page attention and special coverage. This never would have happened in a larger city.

We appreciate the wonderful articles about the senior boys and girls. Sports writer Ana Patejdl has always taken the time to get as much information as possible to do the job correctly. Her insight and understanding of how the boys and girls have developed a very special bond came through loud and clear in her article, “Diaper Dandies Grow up to Be … Kings and Queens of the Hardwood” truly captured this amazing friendship. As parents, we are so fortunate to actually have lived through all of this with these great kids. The best part about her article is that it’s actually true and represents the essence of their experience. For all of her great work, all the parents salute your hard work, Ana.

Sports Editor Josh Coscia’s article also amazed many of us because he was able to grasp the relationships without even interviewing the players. There were many tears in the eyes of parents who read his article on Thursday. The Wednesday and Thursday night Senior Nights were jewels to behold. There was so much work that went into the planning, but it’s the players who actually made it possible with their stellar play all year long. It goes to show that hard work and determination can create the best in Gilroy. Everyone should be proud of all the people involved in these programs.

Chief Photographer Chris Riley’s pictures have also captured the excitement and athleticism of the players. His eye for the great shot and his ability to share the game with everyone through his photography is great. Thanks for the great job, Chris.

The boys team will play their second CCS playoff game today at Independence High School against Milpitas at 2:45pm. The girls play their first CCS playoff game today at Milpitas High School against Carlmont at 4:30pm. Both teams won the TCAL championship this year.

We would like to thank the Gilroy Dispatch for your great coverage all year long.

Gregg Chisolm,

On behalf of the parents of the boys and girls basketball players

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