music in the park, psychedelic furs

Readers write in to defend a real estate company, take the
school district to task for a silly spending plan and decry a
proposal for Islamic community center
Rancho Grande Real Estate Shouldn’t Be Blamed for Overextended Buyers

Dear Editor,

The situation of the Garcia and Romero family is heartbreaking, but it is a disservice to thousands of satisfied, hardworking Rancho Grande clients to let one family’s hardship and mis-cast blame misrepresent more than 10 years of our ethical, proud service helping our Latino community achieve homeownership dreams.

The Dispatch’s coverage (May 31 and June 2) of the Garcia/Romero experience was inaccurate and misleading in its attempt to vilify our family business. To add insult to injury, an opinion columnist assumed the role of a judge and jury without credible information. Rancho Grande clients have an exceptionally low default rate of less than one tenth of one percent. Our business has a superior record and we are well respected.

The Dispatch neglected to explore an obvious nationwide crisis, instead publicizing unfounded allegations by a young family that was determined to buy a near-$1,000,000 property. Homeowners can attest to the fact that homeownership requires planning, research, diligence, hard work, many meetings with various professionals and a fair assessment of how much home one can reasonably afford. Our clients can confirm our ethical, responsible practices. It just would not be in our best interest to operate otherwise. A default mark negatively impacts our record and credibility and risks our relationships with mortgage brokers and banks.

Our success is based on demonstrated honesty and integrity in our local communities. We will continue to do business as we have since 1997: with honesty and the satisfaction of knowing that we are helping responsible, hard working families achieve their dreams.

Maria Avila and Rafael Cebrero,

Rancho Grade Real Estate

Islam Quiet While Building Strength, But Then It’s a ‘Yield or Die’ Message

Dear Editor,

Ms. Mary Silva’s letter June 5 is a good example of people who disregard the facts of history are apt to repeat its errors. Ms. Silva’s letter is full of faulty thinking and bad conclusions, like her statement that the killing of “innocents” are totally condemned in Islam.

If Ms. Silva really believes that, then she must have her head in the sand because she certainly is not following the news nor studying history. I encourage everyone to do an on-line search of the Koran using the words “Jews”, “Christians” and “infidels” and see what the Koran really says about those three “innocent” groups.

Islamic law will not allow the coming together of people of “all faiths” to form alliances to correct as Ms. Silva says “social ills.” Islam always preaches “tolerance” when it is in the minority (like in the U.S.) but when it becomes a majority, its true goal of Islamic theocracy under Sharia law is manifested by force, and infidels either yield or die. That’s the condition of every country today where Islam is the majority. It is not tolerant of any other religion. It’s been well said that the “moderate” Islamic community in the United States is strangely silent – consistently silent – to denounce the actions of the “militants” and that should make all concerned Americans wake-up to the fact that “moderate” Muslims will never speak out against their brethren and condemn them.

No Ms. Silva, you’re plain wrong. Fear is not our worst enemy, especially when that fear is based upon the facts. And those who don’t understand that are doomed to destruction, whether it be a nation or a community.

James Fennell, Gilroy

Throwing Money at Poorly Performing Schools for ‘Silly’ Uses Ridiculous

Dear Editor,

I guess I am showing my stupidity but many of the ways that the schools will spend the “new-found” money seem really ridiculous and in my way of thinking will not accomplish much. The article on page A6 in Tuesday’s paper has a list of the ways that the five schools will spend their money.

Here are a few of the really silly ways:

Brownell Middle School – To implement more specific grading system. What is wrong with A, B, C, D, and F?

Eliot Elementary School – Hire employee to communicate with parents. What is wrong with the parents taking an interest and communicating with the teachers? Evaluation of test prep by consultant. Who preps the tests now?

South Valley Middle School – Hire 1.5 teachers to coach, support colleagues – PLEASE!!

I am very concerned about our children’s education, but you can have lots of money in a classroom and 10 students and if you have a teacher who is tired of teaching or who has no credential or passes the time just talking, or you have students who do not care to learn or parents who do not take the “time” with their students – the students will not get an education.

It is a sad state of affairs. And I think that we, in Gilroy (and elsewhere) have too much of the above.

Jacqui Holladay, Gilroy

Another Voice From the City Staff Did Represent Gilroy at Coyote Meeting

Dear Editor,

I am writing this letter to clarify a point columnist Lisa Pampuch made in her article “Gilroy Officials Ignore Important Coyote Valley Meeting.”

Ms. Pampuch stated that “only one Gilroy representative attended” the Coyote Valley stakeholders’ meeting held on May 30. In fact, both Transportation Engineer Don Dey and I represented the city at this meeting.

The Coyote Valley Specific Plan project has the potential to impose significant, negative impacts on Gilroy’s residents, and the city takes this potential threat very seriously. We are in the process of preparing a comprehensive response to the project Environmental Impact Report and will coordinate with other agencies on future responses as the process progresses.

Melissa Durkin, Planner II, City of Gilroy

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