Leda Whitmore Young

Leda Whitmore Young turns 100 Jan. 5. Monticello, Utah was her
home from 1953 until 2001, when her husband Darroll passed away and
she went to live with her oldest son Wayne and his wife Louise in

Leda Whitmore Young

Leda Whitmore Young turns 100 Jan. 5. Monticello, Utah was her home from 1953 until 2001, when her husband Darroll passed away and she went to live with her oldest son Wayne and his wife Louise in Gilroy.

She was the ninth of 11 children born to Samuel Moroni Whitmore and Elizabeth Letitia Grange Whitmore in Midvale, Utah.

She has four children (three are still living), 13 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren. She was a registered and surgical nurse for 22 years and public health nurse for five years.

The homes of children, grandchildren and friends show off the afghans, quilts, needlepoint pictures and other handwork that Leda created over the years. She still reads the San Juan Record in Monticello and keeps in contact with many close friends from Monticello, Utah.


Katelyn Grace Davis

Katelyn Grace Davis was born Dec. 4, 2009 at Hazel Hawkins Hospital to Nicole and Michael Davis of Hollister. She weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce.


Terilyn Wassell

Terilyn JoAnn Wassell, of Morgan Hill, was named to Union University’s President’s List for the fall 2009 semester. The President’s List includes full-time students who achieve a 4.0 grade point average on a four-point scale.

Founded in 1823 and affiliated with the Tennessee Baptist Convention, Union University is characterized by quality Christ-centered teaching and learning. Union offers liberal arts training in more than 100 majors and programs of study along with professional programs in business, education and nursing.

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