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Important information about the High Speed Rail project is still
not getting out to the Gilroy/Morgan Hill community. While both
Cities continue to blindly support this project, here are some
relevant FACTS.
Dear Editor,

Important information about the High Speed Rail project is still not getting out to the Gilroy/Morgan Hill community. While both Cities continue to blindly support this project, here are some relevant FACTS:

Gilroy and Morgan Hill have formed a “HSR Task Force” which represents the agenda of a few self-serving local politicians who want to advance urban sprawl under the guise of this project, using the HSR Authority eminent domain power.

PRIOR to the Program Environmental Impact Report being circulated, commented on and certified; this “HSR Task Force” crafted a Gilroy/Morgan Hill Joint Resolution to the HSR Authority, “opposing the Program Alignment (following the Union Pacific Railroad corridor) and supporting an East 101 Alignment” – this is not an impartial task force, this is a political agenda being perpetrated on the public.

The East 101 Alignment was never studied in the Program Environmental Impact Report; therefore the California Environmental Quality Act process, which requires public notification and input, has not been allowed.

If Gilroy is going to support this project; then it needs to be done under the HST principles and guidelines set forth by the High Speed Rail Authority. An alignment outside of an existing transportation corridor or station outside of an existing city center, such as the proposed East 101 area, fails to meet any of the HST criteria, requirements, principles and guidelines.

If you are concerned, please make sure you attend these meetings and provide your comments:

n Gilroy High School Student Center, 750 West 10th St. on Tuesday, Jan. 25 from 6 to 9 p.m. – Hiram Morgan Hill Room, 17000 Monterey Road on Thursday, Jan. 27 from 6 to 9 p.m.

This project is advancing with false, inaccurate and omitted information. You may wake up one morning, very soon, and regret having not attended one more meeting, or written another letter or offered your comments.

We are ALL responsible for the outcome of this project in our community.

Yvonne Sheets-Saucedo, Gilroy

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