music in the park, psychedelic furs

In response to Monday’s letter to the editor by Paul Nakamoto,
I’d like to comment about the homeowners of Eagle Ridge not caring
about the fate of Bonfante Gardens.

In response to Monday’s letter to the editor by Paul Nakamoto, I’d like to comment about the homeowners of Eagle Ridge not caring about the fate of Bonfante Gardens.

As mentioned in prior articles in The Dispatch, the homeowners care very much about what happens to their neighbor. Many of us hold season passes to the park, even those of us without children. The problem with this situation is not Bonfante, but Shapell Industries, which wants to develop the parcel of land. Shapell presented a “verbal” proposal to the homeowners that is of major concern to the majority of the homeowners.

Shapell said to the homeowners, if you approve this land deal, we will build you some community amenities. The proposed amenities are poorly located and are of insufficient size for this community … strike one! Where are people going to park for these amenities? Are all pool patrons supposed to park in front of all of the homes in the Glenn’s community? Our streets are barely wide enough for two cars. I’m sure the residents of the Glenn’s are going to appreciate having pool patrons parking in front of their houses every day… strike two!

One of the most important concerns of the homeowners is the additional traffic that another 200 plus cars will generate. We are currently a community of 508 homes. At build out (excluding the additional 118 homes being proposed in this new land deal) we will be 900-plus homes. The traffic that 508 homes currently generates is already more than most residents can bare. Shapell has said that they will not add any additional access roads into the community because of the cost. Shapell is making a “boat load” of money on this deal!

Our message to Shapell is that without an additional access road into the community … strike three!

Believe it or not there is a strike four. Shapell has proposed to build small homes, on small 6,000 square foot lots. This proposal undercuts the resale value for the existing Glenn’s and the Woodlands. Many homeowners are concerned with this aspect of the proposal as well.

To sum it up, Shapell Industries needs to negotiate with the homeowners on a revised proposal. The city of Gilroy, Bonfante, and Shapell all benefit from this deal. The Eagle Ridge homeowners will not benefit and will have to live with the outcome: bad traffic, poor amenities and no parking. As the deal is structured today, the majority of the homeowners cannot live with the outcome. Perhaps, Bonfante and the city (both standing to gain a lot from this deal) need to pressure Shapell Industries to revise their proposal instead of pressuring the homeowners to “bail out Bonfante,” with a proposal that homeowners cannot live with!

Just a thought: Even if this land deal does go through and Bonfante got its $56 million, they still have a huge debt of $14-plus million. The fate of the park may be closure anyway. Bonfante has struggled from day one and this land deal may not be the cure all.

Hey Shapell, the ball’s is in your court. The homeowners of Eagle Ridge anxiously await your revised “written” proposal. Be a good corporate citizen and help Eagle Ridge homeowners “bail out Bonfante!”

Debbie Hatz, Gilroy

Submitted Tuesday, March 23 to ed****@ga****.com

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