By Chris Morsilli
Another summer has vanished before our eyes and another school
year has already begun. On the morning of Aug. 30, two thousand
some odd GHS students begrudgingly rolled out of bed and dragged
themselves to school.
By Chris Morsilli
Another summer has vanished before our eyes and another school year has already begun. On the morning of Aug. 30, two thousand some odd GHS students begrudgingly rolled out of bed and dragged themselves to school. Let the games begin.
I had visited the campus four or five times in the late summer for various reasons, and while I was there I noticed that the campus under construction looked kind of like a wasteland, and it would take a miracle of man to get it ready by the time school was scheduled to start.
While I was on campus I think I saw two or three construction workers rebuilding the administration building that was demolished, and no one was cleaning up the miscellaneous, desks, cabinets, and dumpsters that were strewn between classrooms. I think they must have gotten Nancy Drew in there to solve “The Mystery Of the Missing Construction Workers.”
After all, this was the Friday before school started, so I was completely convinced that the first day was going to be mass chaos; but somehow, GHS, as always, barely pulled it off and the campus was ready for the first day of school.
The campus was usable, but far from finished. There were still restricted area construction zones, and while these sometimes made it a little difficult to get to class, everyone seemed to manage. Someone in administration, had the brilliant idea to make a, and I quote, “one way hallway,” around the gym. Now I didn’t have my stopwatch with me on the first day, but I’m going to guess that this plan lasted all the way to the end of first period.
Throughout the first day I noticed that a lot of improvements actually were made. Classrooms were outfitted with new lights, heating and air. Walls were stabilized so they wouldn’t move when the door closed or when you leaned against them. I made it thought first and third periods without too many problems. The day was going pretty smoothly; about as good as a day of school can go.
Then after the critical mass that is commonly referred to as lunch, the new bell rang. Now this is not your standard run of the mill monotone bell. Oh no, this bell sounds like the sound you hear after you beat the fourth level of Super Mario Land. I think someone in the office was playing Nintendo with the PA system on. Well, folks, that sound means we are out of time, but be sure to tune in to tomorrow’s episode of lunch, we will be featuring an overcrowded quad and extra long 20-minute lunch lines.
After checking my schedule to see that my next class was journalism in M-13, my buddy Dave and I headed off to find this mysterious M building that neither of us had ever heard of. After a little wandering and some help from the janitor we were pointed in the direction of the right building – well that’s a start, and at our pace we would be at least two or three minutes early.
Little did we know that the school had instituted a new classroom numbering system over the summer, and they didn’t remove the old system. We found out this would create some problems for us. Dave and I finally found the classroom that was labeled M-13 on the top. This is good. We went inside and decided that it wasn’t journalism class; this puts us back at square one. We are in the right class, according to our schedules, but the teacher inside doesn’t teach journalism.
As we were about t leave I spotted a small placard next to the door that read M 5. This made us decide to go by the placards instead of the painted on numbers. Finally we found the new M13, and quickly learned that we weren’t the only ones in the class who should have brought a map and compass.
As for the rest or the first week I would have to say it went pretty well, as well as the first week of school can be expected to go. Just think kids, only 175 more days until summer.