Most players here the word


when it comes to gripping the golf club and they immediatly
think grip it tighter.
Most players here the word “stronger” when it comes to gripping the golf club and they immediatly think grip it tighter. A stronger grip has nothing to do with how tight but more about the position of your hands on the club.

The left hand position is most important. If you are slicing your shots, place the left hand on the club so the club rests in your fingers and not across the palm of your hand. If the club lies in the palm you will lose clubhead speed and distance. Your left thumb should be in a “stronger” position now wihich means it should be behind or to the right of the centerline of the shaft as you look straight down. Another check point is that you should be able to see at least two knuckles of your left hand when it is in the proper position.

With the thumb now behind the club more, actively roll your wrists over through impact. This will help close your clubface at impact to help prevent a slice and give you a much better chance to hit a straight shot.

Remember, when all else fails, take a lesson, youll be surprised how much we can help.

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